Local Wildlife Sites Information

Heather Planting at Layer Breton Heath LoWS

Local Wildlife Sites (LoWS), previously known as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) or County Wildlife Sites (CoWS) are areas of land with significant wildlife value. Use our LoWS finder tool to find sites near you.

For more information on LoWS click here.

Important Notice - Please Read

Important Notice Please Read

Please note Essex Wildlife Trust ceased to operate a Biological Records Centre and no longer offer commercial biological data services to consultants and others.

Essex Wildlife Trust would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your business and support over the past years.

Essex Wildlife Trust recognises that the county needs a fully functional Local Environmental Records Centre (LERC) which meets all our needs, is fully functional in the policy and decision-making arenas and supports and celebrates biological recording and the recording community. Environmental data has a critical role to play in the planning and decision-making processes.

Essex needs a LERC which fulfills current needs and can evolve to meet the challenges in the emerging policy environment we face. We wish to collaborate with all partners in seeking a solution to a problem which we are committed to help resolve and we offer our resources and goodwill.

Mark Iley, Landscape Conservation Development Manager



Where to access data going forwards:

There is no one source of protected species information in Essex, and all available sources of data should be consulted to obtain a comprehensive dataset for your area.

Essex Field Club (EFC) offer an Essex Biological and Geological Records Centre Service to help you undertake ecological desk studies and obtain specialist species reports which can be accessed here.

Basic Local Wildlife Sites descriptions for Essex could be obtained here. Please contact the relevant Local Authority for more information on Local Wildlife Sites in your area of interest.

Please contact Place Services at Essex County Council for information on Special Roadside Verges in Essex.

Additional sources of records are listed on this page.


Note regarding the records submission function of this website:

This website will continue to work but may not be maintained - please do check back for any future updates.

All previously submitted records and any new records submitted to this website will be shared with iRecord. Please mark any records that you would not like to be shared at full resolution with iRecord as Sensitive and choose the appropriate resolution for blurring. Please delete any records that you would not like to be shared with iRecord. You can do so by going to My Records and selecting the "Edit this Record" button for the record of interest.

If you would like to use iRecord going forwards, you can retain access to your pre-existing records by registering on iRecord using the same email address as you have used to register on this website. The iRecord registration page can be found here

Please don't hestitate to get in touch at records@essexwt.org.uk with any queries you may have.


CIEEM Guidelines - Accessing and using Biodiversity Data

CIEEM Guidelines for Accessing and Using Biodiversity Data

CIEEM (the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management) published new guidelines for Accessing and Using Biodiversity Data in March 2016 as part of its Technical Guidance Series. These guidelines are aimed at those who are using biodiversity data to support the development planning process (e.g. local planning authorities and ecological consultants). The guidelines can be accessed from the technical guidance section of the CIEEM website, http://www.cieem.net/technical-guidance-series-tgs-.

Biodiversity Offsetting policy - how to avoid net biodiversity loss

Biodiversity offset policies may inadvertently incentivise behaviours which actually accelerate biodiversity loss, according to new research.

Partnership projects

Orchards East is an exciting new HLF funded project to survey orchards in the East of England region. Essex Wildlife Trust Biological Records Centre is working with other records centres... more

Essex Wildlife Trust has been working with the invertebrate conservation charity Buglife on their B-Lines initiative, identifying and developing wildflower-rich habitats across Essex as... more Wildflower meadow in Stebbing, Essex.

The Blackwater Estuary is a key Living Landscape area within Essex. Through this Living Landscape and in partnership with Maldon District Council and Butterfly Conservation, Essex Wildlife Trust... more Brimstone butterfly. Photo: Jim Higham