Online database reaches 20,000 records!

Abberton Reservoir, site of our 20,000th record

The Essex Wildlife Trust Records Centre's new online database has reached another milestone as over 20,000 records have now been entered online since it was launched earlier this year. This takes the total number of records held by Essex Wildlife Trust to nearly 410,000, an increase of over 30,000 records since the end of 2014.

The 20,000th record is from our own Abberton Reservoir reserve, and is of a peregrine falcon spotted from Gwen's Hide on the 3rd November. Now records from Abberton and our other reserves can be collated online it helps staff and volunteers get access to data from our reserves more quickly, and means that we can use the information almost as soon as it is collected. This should improve the management of our reserves and help us to feed back inforamtion to our visitors as well.

Do you have any sightings to report from our reserves? Records (and photos if you have them) can be submitted online via our online recording forms. Click here for more information.